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Inspirations and Dispositions for Teaching

Below are my annotations for two videos, “Future of Learning” and “Do Schools Kill Creativity?”, as well as my instructor's feedback. I love this way of communicating with her :)



Instructor's Feedback


It's true that many online classes only have the form of technology, but lack the content of evolution. In our daily classes, how we deliver the content sometimes is more important than what we deliver. Since the use of technology will amplify this, we need to take children's interests and self-motivation into account when we design an online class.

Well said. We do need to be mindful of how we present the content to make sure all students are understanding what is being presented. Technology, when used properly, can motivate students to engage and make a lesson more interactive.


The relevance we created for students to learn doesn't have to be confined to computer games, we can even combine nature with technology, since the natural world is so resourceful too.

Yes! I love this. A theorist named Howard Gardner stated there are multiple intelligences and "nature smart" is one of them. I have put a link in the comment box below for you :)


In this way, teachers need to be aware of their roles as instructors. Their goals should be clear when they plan for the basic skills students need to learn on their computers. For students, this kind of future learning requires having high self-management skills, which seems unrealistic for some. To be honest, this is also something I've been struggling with when I plan for center rotations :(

We need to be open to changing our role in the classroom from teacher to facilitator. I know it is not always easy, but it empowers students to embrace their ability to learn independently and reach a higher order of learning & thinking. I put a resource link in the comment box


Isn't it the same for us to be self-motivated to learn all the way through this program by exploring and asking why?



Exploration also needs some guidance. I suppose it would be better if teachers can build scaffoldings for students to explore gradually.

Letting go and allowing students to play, discover, and learn independently is not an easy concept for everyone. Yes, there should be some guidance in the way of working within the classroom norms and expectations. There is evidence of the benefits of independent learning, including: improved academic performance; increased motivation and confidence; • greater student awareness of their limitations and their ability to manage them; • enabling teachers to provide differentiated tasks for students (link below)


Collaboration allows a voice for everyone in the team, which is why I prefer helping students to practice this skill. However, students born under the one-child policy in China are mostly lacking the practice of collaboration in their home, making it more difficult for them to collaborate in the classroom.

I can see your point. Only children tend to develop traits like independence and preferring to be alone...this may get in the way of learning how to work, play, and share with through adding opportunities to collaborate and work with others...many adults who are an only children have learned the skill of collaboration.


The use of technology can keep the information updated, but also make it difficult for people to trust what they read on the websites.

Yes. This is why we need to empower students to have critical thinking and discernment skills.


I suppose the submission people are taught is more related to political issues. In some places of the world, even before children go to school, they have already learned to be quiet and submissive when they see those slogans on the street. When they grow up, they will be taught by society to be submissive because their appeals for truths will always be overlooked or even suppressed. That's why I think it's important to let people know that I see them, no matter they are happy or suffering because seeing is also a kind of support for people who are accustomed to submission. As an educator, the idea of "seeing others" will continuously be the support for students to build their security under the influence of politics.

Yes! All students need to feel seen, heard, and that they matter. You bring up an important concept..cultural differences...we need to be culturally responsive and understand what one culture defines as "disengaged" may be defined as "being respectful" in another.


The insightful idea of "teaching kids how to believe" touched me so much when I watched this video for the first time. How can we prepare ourselves to teach this? Is it possible to teach this without considering the political restrictions?

Great questions. I do believe that if we want to know what the goal of a country's government is in regards to what type of citizens they want...we need to look at their educational system. There are ways to embrace student-centered learning even in countries that don't fully buy into that concept. How do we give our students a voice? How do we allow them to feel seen? How do we create learning environments that meet their learning and social/emotional needs? I hope some of the resources below may help.


As technology continues to grow, what we need as an educator and what students need could all change. A growth mindset can help us be courageous to adjust directions and keep trying even when we make mistakes. Also, it provides us with the possibility to imagine what education could be in the future, which helps us get prepared.

Well said. I love that you used the word "courageous". Wouldn't it be wonderful if we all embraced that making mistakes is all about the learning process?



Instructor's Feedback


When our definition of future success is limited, it produces few ways for students to grow and more anxiety for parents. The exaggeration of knowledge over other core elements in our lives is the showcase.

Sadly, this is true and happens all the time.


The ideas are great and inspiring, yet it's difficult to set a common ground with parents when it comes to daily practice. Parents want their children to be successful and most of them don't know what is best for their children. Will they have the courage to say no when other parents find tutors for their own kids just to achieve higher scores in SAT tests? There will be many obstacles all the way along this journey.

You are right..there will be obstacles..How can we create schools where parents are partners and eliminate the "us vs them" mindset?


The end of this video reminds me once again as an educator I need to prepare my students for the future. So the questions I have next will be: how can I apply this idea to my daily teaching?

I love your openness to the thoughts presented in both videos and desire to learn how you can apply what they talk about. I believe we need to empower students to have critical thinking skills. This is hwo we prepare them for the future if they go to University and start a career. There is research and many resources on how to help students learn and apply critical thinking skills. Some links below :) You will also dig deeper on how to prepare students for the future in Module 3.


If educators have a growth mindset, instead of categorizing students with their advantages and disadvantages, they will believe the students have the ability to create, which is fundamental to developing students' creativity. They will support students to build long-term confidence, such as giving interior rewards or building scaffoldings when they are encountered difficulties. They will leave enough space for students to make mistakes. All these promote creativity in education and also help students to become someone who has a growth mindset.

I love your thoughts and insights throughout this activity.

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